Key Features
- Following a competitive E-BAFO procurement exercise we were appointed to undertake the application of an anti-carbonation coating and external redecoration works to fourteen sites on behalf of BT
- These were separated into two phases of seven sites each based on geographical location
- The scope of works comprised removal of loose concrete, cutting back exposed steel reinforcement, removing debris and vegetation, and finally encapsulating the concrete panels with an elastomeric anti-carbonation coating
- Each facility was required to remain in use and open throughout the works
- Continuous Improvement exercises were undertaken at the completion of each phase in order to capture lessons learned and carry these forward on to subsequent sites
Challenges and Solutions
- Bespoke access solutions were required on each site in order to efficiently and safely deliver the works
- This included a combination of scaffold, MEWPs, and cherry pickers in order to account for the irregular shape of the buildings
- Our temporary works coordinator inspected and signed off all scaffold and access in conjunction with the client’s representatives as required