Key Features
- We carried out external refurbishment works to a Grade II listed building in central London comprised of high end residential units with commercial units on the ground floor
- The bulk of the works was comprised of building fabric and structural repairs including structural steelwork
- We carried out rope access surveys and tap testing which revealed the need for further repairs which we were awarded in conjunction with our original works
- We recommended a structural engineer to the client team in order to Value Engineer the design and scope of the works
- Residents were in occupation throughout the works as were the businesses on the ground floor
- This necessitated close liaison with the conceirge service for residents and business owners to minimise disruption and risk
Challenges and Solutions
- Through effective Value Engineering we were able to reduce the need for propping and temporary works which allowed us to complete 25% more work while also handing back £60k in savings to the client
- Scaffold was phased sequentially to be erected and dismantled at each elevation in turn thereby reducing hire costs
- We used wait and load skips for waste collection to account for the limited space and difficult access on this site
- We also made use of access routes through the basement in order to minimise disruption